Transforming Overseas

Recruitment Management

Your Gateway to Efficiency

Discover BOEMS, a comprehensive web application meticulously designed to empower Overseas Recruiting Agencies in Bangladesh. Say goodbye to the complexities of manual management and embrace a digital solution that redefines efficiency.

Key Features at a Glance

BOEMS prioritizes security, offering robust document management for organized handling of candidate documents, certifications, and legal paperwork. It streamlines visa processing complexities by automating tracking, submission, and approval, reducing manual effort. The system empowers decision-making through robust reporting, providing insights into recruitment trends, candidate performance, and agency productivity via intuitive visualizations. Facilitating transparent communication, BOEMS acts as a centralized hub for agencies, candidates, and stakeholders, ensuring efficient information exchange and timely updates. Additionally, the application helps agencies stay compliant by integrating tools to track regulatory changes, ensuring adherence to industry standards. 

Why Choose BOEMS?

Industry Expertise: With years of experience in the ICT industry, we understand the unique challenges faced by Overseas Recruiting Agencies. Our solutions are tailored to meet industry-specific needs.

Innovation and Technology: Embrace the latest in technology with BOEMS. We stay ahead of the curve, incorporating innovative features to enhance the functionality and user experience of our web application.

Client-Centric Approach: Your success is our priority. Application Mentors Ltd is committed to providing personalized support, continuous updates, and a collaborative partnership to ensure your agency's growth.